Our Perspective
The largest and most complex sales accounts are the life-blood of a large business-to-business sales organisation.
- They are your marquee clients, bringing credible references to your offerings.
- They challenge and expand your thinking and your capabilities.
- They bring operational and financial volume, driving economy for all your clients, and predictable income for your business.
How well you manage those sales accounts is intrinsically linked to the success of your business:
- Get it right and you can build a high degree of predictability about your turnover & margin, and have the very best platform for executing you wider plans for growth.
- Get it wrong in even just one large account and, sooner or later, things can start to look very difficult. You're on the back foot, running hard to stand still, and bleeding cost whilst trying to manage volatility.
In short, these are your Vital Sales Accounts and their criticality demands that they should be nurtured, protected and developed to ensure the long term prosperity of your business.
Grey Sells Associates provides consulting services to medium & large businesses, helping them to become great at securing & growing their most valuable clients.
We do this by:
- Applying expertise in Managing Vital Sales Accounts to ensure you have a selling landscape that is secure and planned with rich opportunities.
- Applying expertise in Vital Account Selling to help our clients to increase their sales win ratios, whilst creating urgency to buy, and optimising their cost of selling.
- Embedding these critical skills into a leading performance acceleration methodology, which helps leaders, managers and team members to maintain brilliant focus and energy on doing the right things at the right time.